Things to do before the World Ends (Article)

Things to do before the World Ends

This article was shared by Neha Bharadwaj

So, its 2011 at last and before you know it 2012 would be here too. Pause before you move onto 2013 my friend! After the millions of books, movies, articles, astrology, and gossip of the world coming to an end in December 2012, don’t u think its time we pulled up our socks??

Bar all the adults who may be reading this, but my fellow youth!! Don’t you feel unfair that we have not even led half our life yet?? Well I do! All I’ve lived is seventeen years in which majority time I gave up in studying and giving exams.

Some of you would not believe in “D-day” or “judgement day” while others may be living in fear everyday! So I graphed out a list that I think all of us should do before the year ends and we face our sad demise. Even if we do survive I can bet the experience would be memorable! So now at least when some zombies come to eat our brains…we won’t regret it!

1. Learn a foreign language. Go to that country and use it.

2. Sleep for 24 hours straight.

3. Try bungee jumping from the freakiest heights ever!

4. End something you really fear. Even if it’s a person animal insect etc. the feeling after that would be 

5. Write a ballad for someone you love. Even if you fear being rejected go ahead and spill the beans...all you know they would feel the same for you.

6. Try being vegan for a month. You will realize how much there is to eat other than animals

7. Learn to cook something. NOT from a can or box. And try not to burn down your house. Please!

8. Help someone out who never even imagined talking to.

9. If you are good be bad. And if you are bad be good :P

10. Ride the world’s scariest roller coaster until you can feel all your organs in your mouth!

P.S-feel free to add your bucket list in the comments...spread the joy people and get moving. Times running out TICK TOCK TICK TOCK!

                                       - Neha Bharadwaj

The author of the above article is a passionate artist and her paintings can be viewed on - A Splash Of Colours

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Desi Babu said...

Great post!

I once saw a Japanese wall hanging at a Karate Dojo, where I used to take my daughter for classes. It had this beautiful set of lines:

Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like no-one's watching.
Sing like no-one's listening.
Live like there's no tomorrow.

2012 or not, I have come to believe that it is a good way to live a life.


Akshat Singhal said...

I certainly agree with Desi Babu.. The japanese saying is definitely very relevant...

and neha, excellent thoughts...

I like the 9th point to a great extent... just wondering how it will be to live a life completely in contrast of present!

mensajes claro said...

Excellent thoughts...

Achyuth said...

Neha,you actually made me think about what I would do if the world ended.And I actually wrote a post,like you.Give this a read,tell me what you think :)

Anonymous said...

the biggest thing to do before you dies is :-
to tell someone that you love them

Neha.G.Bharadwaj said...

thank u so much for the appreciation!!
yes..telling someone you love them is one of the best things to do before you die..
and story teller im so happy i inspired you and will surely give ur post a read!!
keep commenting!! :)

Akshat Singhal said...

i too agree.. telling someone that you love is certainly special...

And ya my bucket list will have two more thing..

Creating India's finest Business House

and make The Youth World, world's one of the most popular websites... :)

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